Goodstart Ea Agreement

June 15, 2023 stralog No Comments

Goodstart Ea Agreement

Goodstart EA Agreement: An Overview for Employees and Employers

Goodstart Early Learning is Australia`s largest provider of early childhood education and care services with over 670 centres across the country. As an employer, Goodstart is committed to providing fair and equitable working conditions to its employees. One of the ways it does this is through its enterprise agreement (EA), which outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its staff.

In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the Goodstart EA Agreement and what it means for both employees and employers.

What is an Enterprise Agreement?

An enterprise agreement is a legally binding agreement between an employer and its employees that outlines the terms and conditions of employment. It covers a wide range of employment matters, including pay rates, hours of work, leave entitlements, dispute resolution processes, and more.

Enterprise agreements are negotiated between the employer and employee representatives, such as unions, and must be approved by the Fair Work Commission before they can come into effect.

What is the Goodstart EA Agreement?

The Goodstart EA Agreement is the enterprise agreement that governs the terms and conditions of employment for the company`s staff. The current agreement is known as the Goodstart Early Learning Limited – Enterprise Agreement 2019.

The agreement covers a wide range of employment matters, including:

– Wages and salaries

– Hours of work and rosters

– Annual leave, personal and carer`s leave, and long service leave

– Parental leave and flexible work arrangements

– Redundancy and termination procedures

– Professional development and training

– Health and safety in the workplace

– Grievance and dispute resolution procedures

The Goodstart EA Agreement is designed to provide employees with fair and equitable working conditions, while also ensuring that the company remains competitive in the early childhood education and care market.

What are the Benefits of the Goodstart EA Agreement for Employees?

The Goodstart EA Agreement provides a range of benefits to employees, including:

– Fair and competitive wages and salaries

– Access to a range of leave entitlements, including personal, carer`s, and parental leave

– Flexible work arrangements to help balance work and personal commitments

– Professional development and training opportunities to help advance their careers

– Safe and healthy working conditions that comply with all relevant health and safety laws

What are the Benefits of the Goodstart EA Agreement for Employers?

The Goodstart EA Agreement also provides benefits to employers, such as:

– Increased productivity and staff retention through fair and competitive working conditions

– Greater flexibility to meet the needs of the company and its clients

– Improved staff morale and job satisfaction

– Reduced staff turnover and associated recruitment costs

– Compliance with all relevant employment laws and regulations


The Goodstart EA Agreement is a comprehensive employment agreement that provides a range of benefits to both employees and employers. It ensures that Goodstart remains a competitive employer in the early childhood education and care sector, while also providing fair and equitable working conditions to its staff.

If you`re currently employed by Goodstart, it`s important to understand your rights and entitlements under the EA. For employers, the EA provides a roadmap for fair and consistent employment practices that can improve staff retention and productivity.